
Meet the Associate | Tara Ring | Family Photography Team

2022 is all about NEW for Wisp + Willow Photography Co. We realized in reflecting that we haven’t shared much about our associate photographers and we wanted to do that! Our associates are the reason we get to serve all of you! They are incredible and we wanted to take the chance to share a […]

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January 11, 2022

2022 is all about NEW for Wisp + Willow Photography Co. We realized in reflecting that we haven’t shared much about our associate photographers and we wanted to do that! Our associates are the reason we get to serve all of you! They are incredible and we wanted to take the chance to share a little bit about them! We’re calling this “Meet the Associate” as you’ve probably seen in the title of the blog. First up is our associate Tara Ring!

Meet the Associate | Tara Ring | Family Photography Team

Tara Ring is an associate in DFW. She’s a mother of 3! A 9 year old, a 5 year old and a 2 year old! She has been a photographer for about 6 months and she’s on the leadership team of Wisp + Willow Photography Co.! She’s head of operations. If you’re sending W+W a message on Facebook or an email, you’re most likely talking to Tara!

Tara joined the team in March of 2021. (JUST before we started up!) She was mainly in charge of booking but soon came fall and it became A LOT! We were getting so many inquiries that we asked Tara to learn to shoot! She was nervous, but said yes! She started shooting full sessions in September of 2021!

In Tara’s words “God knew this is what I needed. I really love taking photos of families and seeing the love that shines off everyone during the session. Seeing the kids running around and having such a great time just warms my heart and I get to be there with my camera catching those sweet moments.”

Before Tara joined the team, she was a stay-at-home mom! Everything fell perfectly into place for her to start working with us and we are SO grateful for her! When I asked her why being an associate is beneficial for her she said “I get to be apart of capturing memories so families have pictures of the season of life they are in. Then the families can share that moment with family and friends or put them or their wall or on social media to look back and remember.”

That’s our goal for Wisp + Willow Photography Co.! Tara does a phenomenal job at capturing memories for the families she’s served! We are SO thrilled that she’s part of the team!


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  4. […] Meet Bonnie! Bonnie is the marketing director of Wisp + Willow Photography Co. and DFW Family Photographer. She’s a wife, mom of a 2 year old and expecting a second baby in October of 2022! She helped start Wisp + Willow Photography Co. in March of 2021 after hiring associates for a friend’s photography business. She serves the DFW area and she LOVES being a photographer! We are so excited to share her story with you! Here’s our second DFW meet the associate!  […]

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Meet the Associate | Tara Ring | Family Photography Team


Meet the Associate | Tara Ring | Family Photography Team


Meet the Associate | Tara Ring | Family Photography Team

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