
Tips for Choosing Your Session Location | Family Photography Team

On the blog today, we're talking about tips that will help you choose your session location. Click to read more about these tips!

Choosing a session location can be hard. Maybe you’re new to the area and don’t know of any locations you’d like to have. If you’ve lived in the area all your life then you’ve probably chosen all the locations in the past and you’re looking for a new one. Maybe you just cannot decide between […]

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April 19, 2022

Choosing a session location can be hard. Maybe you’re new to the area and don’t know of any locations you’d like to have. If you’ve lived in the area all your life then you’ve probably chosen all the locations in the past and you’re looking for a new one. Maybe you just cannot decide between the two. We are here to help you and give you a few tips for choosing your session location!

Tips for Choosing Your Session Location | Family Photography Team

The City or The Field?

I believe the first question to really ask yourself is “Do I like city scenery or field/grassy scenery?” That will narrow down your selection drastically! If you enjoy colorful buildings, murals, and the downtown feel, maybe choosing a city location is for you. A few we enjoy are Downtown McKinney Square in DFW, Downtown Franklin in Franklin, TN, and Downtown Raleigh in North Carolina. They each have different things about them that we LOVE!

What’s best for the kids?

If you have kids, especially young ones, maybe choosing a location with drop offs, bodies of water or crowds won’t be a good option for you. I’ve been to sessions where half of the time we were trying to catch the kiddo’s attention. Also, trying to get photos of just the parents is tough because keeping an eye on the kids is the most important thing for the you!

Do I have an outfit that will match the background?

The last thing I’ll say is make sure when you’re choosing your location, you have an outfit that you’ll LOVE with the location you chose. When we book places like a flower garden, we always want to make sure you have something you love! The photos always turn out better when you’re in an outfit you absolutely love! Even for the kids, too!

If you have questions about choosing a location, we are ALWAYS happy to help. We have blog posts and suggestions for each city we serve and we’d love to help you!


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Tips for Choosing Your Session Location | Family Photography Team

On the blog today, we're talking about tips that will help you choose your session location. Click to read more about these tips!


Tips for Choosing Your Session Location | Family Photography Team

On the blog today, we're talking about tips that will help you choose your session location. Click to read more about these tips!


Tips for Choosing Your Session Location | Family Photography Team

On the blog today, we're talking about tips that will help you choose your session location. Click to read more about these tips!

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